
Schöpfung und Nichts: Orthodoxe Theologie und moderne Kunst im Dialog

Beogradski nadbiskup: Dvadeset godina arhipastirske službe nadbiskupa Stanislava Hočevara – dokumenti i svedočanstva

Beyond Capitalist Dystopia: Rethinking Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Global Crises

Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives

Anarchy and the Kingdom of God: From Eschatology to Orthodox Political Theology and Back

Contemporary Readings of the Grand Inquisitor

Religion and Art: Rethinking Aesthetic and Auratic Experiences in ‘Post-Secular’ Times

Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution

In Medias Res: On Freedom, Mirrors and Demons

Umetnost kao tautologija (Art as Tautology)

Religion and Realism

The Human Work of Art: A Theological Appraisal of Creativity and the Death of the Artist

The Light of Icons

Res Publica

New Faces of Icons

Plus Ultra: Selected Essays in Culture, Communication and Faith

Decem concepti et termini

The Testimony of Icons

The Role of the Artist in Self-Referent Art

On Writing Systems

(2023) “Iconography and Iconology” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion, Oxford University Press. (forthcoming)

(2023) “Iconophobia and Iconophilia” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion, Oxford University Press. (forthcoming)

(2022) “‘Democratic Jet Leg’ and EUgoslav YUtopias” in Balkan Contextual Theology: An Introduction (Edited by Stipe Odak and Zoran Grozdanov), London: Routledge, 119-138.

(2022) “Sex, Love, and Politics: An (Un)Orthodox” in Orthodox Tradition and Human Sexuality (Edited by Thomas Arentzen et al.), New York: Fordham University Press, 281-302.

(2022) “How to Be the Right Kind of ‘Fundamentalist’” in Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism: Contemporary Perspectives (Edited by Davor Džalto and George E. Demacopoulos), Lanham: Lexington Books, 52-68.

(2021) “Embodying the (Symbolist) Modern: From Wandering and Passionate Bodies to Severed Heads” in The European Framework of Serbian Symbolism (Edited by Igor Borozan), Novi Sad-Belgrade: The Gallery of Matica Srpska, The Institute of Art History of the University of Belgrade, 100-129.

(2021) “Quo Vadis Europa? On Christianity, Hospitality, and the Refugee Crisis” in “Kommt und Seht” – Die Gastfreundschaft als Grundvoraussetzung des interreligiösen Dialogs (Edited by Milan Dordevic and Markus Leimbach), Bonn: KAAD, 83-94.

(2020) “What Is Wrong with the ‘Left’ and the ‘Right’? An Orthodox Christian Perspective” in Theology and the Political: Theo-Political Reflections on Contemporary Politics in Ecumenical Conversation (Edited by Alexei Bodrov and Stephen M. Garrett), Leiden: Brill, 163-184.

(2020) “Veliki inkvizitor: jedno anarhističko čitanje” in Savremena čitanja Velikog inkvizitora (Edited by Davor Džalto and Danijela Marković), Belgrade: Vulkan, 153-179.

(2019) “Freedom and Nothingness, between Theodicy and Anthropodicy: Lacan and (Un)Orthodox Perspectives” in Esoteric Lacan (Edited by Philipp Valentini and Mahdi Tourage), London: Rowmann & Littlefield.

(2019) “Icons: the Orthodox Understanding of Images and the Influence on Western Art” in European History Online (EGO), (published by the Leibniz Institute of European History, IEG), available at

(2019) “The Aesthetic Face of the Sacred” in Religions 10/2019, 1-5.

(2019) “Orthodoxes Christentum und zeitgenössische Kunst,” in Religion und Geselschaft in Ost und West: Religion und Kunst 3/2019, 8-10.

(2019) “Что не так с ‘левым’ и ‘правыми’? Точка зрения православного христианина” (What’s Wrong with the “Left” and the “Right”? An Orthodox Christian Perspective) in Политическое богословие (Edited by Aleksei Bodrov and Mikhail Tolstoluženko), Moscow: St Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute, 280-304.

(2017) “Da li je moguć ‘pravedni’ rat? (Ne)pravoslavne teologije rata” (Is a “Just War” Possible? [Un]Orthodox Theologies of War) in Pravoslavlje i rat (Edited by Borislav Grozdić), Belgrade: IFDT, Odbrana, 179-203. Available also at

(2017) “Orthodox Christian Political Theology: An Anarchist Perspective” in: Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity (Edited by Kristina Stoeckl et al.), London: Bloomsbury T&T, 111-133.

(2017) “Orthodox Christianity and Contemporary Art: An (Un)Natural Alliance?” in: Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 69 (1-2), 333-356.

(2016) “Monism, Dualism, Pluralism? From Orthodox Cosmology to Political Theology” in: Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 57/II, 111-120.

(2016) “Icons – Between Images and Words. Modes of Representation or Modes of Being?” in: IKON, Journal of Iconographic Studies, Vol. 9 (Icons and Iconology), 9-16.

(2016) “The Challenge of ‘Posteriority’ and Pluralism” in: Edinost in dialog/Unity and Dialogue 71/2016, 77-84.

(2015) “Art: A Brief History of Absence (From the Conception and Birth, Life and Death, to the Living Deadness of Art)” in: Philosophy and Society XXVI  (3), Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, 652-676.

(2015) “Otherness, Symbolism, and Modernism in Serbia: Leon Koen” in: The Symbolist Roots of Modern Art (Edited by Michelle Facos and Thor J. Mednick), Burlington: Ashgate, 23-32.

(2015) “Screens and Screams. Icons Re: Framed” in: IKON, Journal of Iconographic Studies, Vol. 8 (Christian Iconography in Modern and Contemporary Art), 35-41.

(2015) “The Logos as Reason and Love: A Response to ‘Tradition as Reason and Practice’ by A. Papnikolaou” in: St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 59/1, 113-119.

(2015) “Izazov savremenosti: hrišćanski odgovor na problem ‚posteriornosti‘ i pluralizma” in: Teologija u javnoj sferi – zbornik radova (Theology in the Public Sphere – Conference Proceedings), Trebinje: Manastir Tvrdoš, 2015, 97-104.

(2014) “Ikonen neu:gefasst, oder über das Menschsein in inserer heutigen Medienkultur” in: Ökumenische Rundschau 4/2014, 500-511.

(2014) “Breaking Free With Hollywood Blockbusters” in: Kultura 2014, 174-181.

(2013) “Nationalism, Statism, and Orthodoxy” in: St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 57 (Vol. 3-4), 503–523.

(2013) Discussion on religion, politics and society, in: Religion in Public, Political and Social Sectors (Religija u javnom, privatnom i društvenom sektoru), Belgrade: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 11, 38-40, 182-183, 247, 256, 262, 265, 272-273, 277, 281-284, 291.

(2013) “Christian and National Identities in Serbia in the Context of European Integrations” (with Jelena Jablanov Maksimović), in: National and European Identity in the Process of European Integration (Edited by Pero Petrović and Milovan Radaković), Belgrade: Institute of International Politics and Economics, 638-643.

(2013) “Religion, Politics, and Beyond: The Pussy Riot Case ” in: Journal of Religion and Society, Vol. 15/2013, 1-14.

(2012) “Neophodne slike: Masmediji i carstvo prolaznog” (Vital Images: Mass-Media and the Kingdom of Perishable), in: In Medias Res – Journal for Media Philosophy, Vol. 1/1, 2012, 21-27.

(2012) “Beauty Will Destroy the World” in: Beauty and the Beautiful in Eastern Christian Culture. Sophia Studies in Orthodox Theology, Vol. 6. (Edited by Natalia Ermolaev), New York: Theotokos Press, 279-291.

(2012) “Poraz obrazovanja u digitalnom dobu?” (The Defeat of Education in the Age of Digital Technologies?), in: Kultura 135/2012, Beograd: Centar za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, 20-27.

(2012) “(Ne)postojanost sećanja” (The (In)Stability of Memory) u: Opasna sećanja i pomirenje: kontekstualna romišljanja u postkonfliktnom društvu (priredio Srđan Sremac et al.), Rijeka: Ex Libris, 297-308.

(2012) “Iconoclasm

(2011) “Mala Herba Cito Crescit” in: Religioznost u Srbiji, Beograd: Centar za evropske studije – Konrad Adenauer – Hrišćanski kulturni centar, 35-42.

(2011) “The Concept of Authorship in Visual Arts: Main Contemporary Approaches,” in: Zbornik Matice Srpske za likovne umetnosti, 39, Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 205-214.

(2011) “Techne – Ars – Creatio“ in: Teološki pogledi 2/2011, 67-78.

(2010) “Creation vs. Techne: The Inner Conflict of Art” in: Analecta Husserliana CVI, London – New York: Springer, 199-212.

(2010) “Joseph Beuys: Every Man is an Artist”, “Joseph Beuys: Imitatio Christi,”

(2010) “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” in: Hrišćanstvo i demokratija, Beograd: Konrad Adenauer – Hrišćanski kulturni centar, 133-148.

(2010) “Kultura kao fantazam” (Culture as Phantasm) in: Kultura 126/2010, Vol. I, Beograd: Centar za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, 64-73. (2010) “Identity In-Between” in: To Be From/Out – Towards the Redefinition of the Cultural Identity of Serbia, Beograd: Kulturklammer, 306-309.

(2009) “Umetnik kao autor” (Artist as Author) in: Komunikacije, mediji, kultura, Beograd: Fakultet za kulturu i medije, 411-422.

(2009) “Fides et Regnum” in: Crkva u pluralističkom društvu, Beograd: Konrad Adenauer – Hrišćanski kulturni centar, 29-35.

(2009) “The Testimony of Icons” in: Studia Theologica VII, 1/2009 (Cluj-Napoca), 49-63.

(2008) “De Rebus Artium Quasi Phenomena Apophatica” in: Teološki pogledi 1/2008, 11-24.

(2007) “Komparativna analiza nereske fraske Oplakivanja Hrista i istoimene Đotove kompozicije iz kapele Skrovenji” (A Comparative Analysis of the Lamentation fresco from the Monastery of Nerezi and Giotto’s Composition from the Arena Chapel) in: Leskovački zbornik XLVII, (Leskovac) 73-89.

(2006) “Who is an Author (Artist)?” in: Studia Theologica IV, 2/2006 (Cluj-Napoca), 119-123.

(2002) “Preobraženjska crkva u Novom Sarajevu arhitekte Aleksandra Deroka” (The Transfiguration Church by Aleksandar Deroko in Novo Sarajevo) in: Novopazarski zbornik, 26/2002 (Novi Pazar), 247-252.

(2016) Catalog text for exhibition of installations and graphics by Branko Nikolov, “Čedomir Krstić” gallery, Pirot (February 11-24).

(2015) “Crteži Vladimira Veličkovića iz kolekcije Banićević” (Drawings by Vladimir Veličković from the Banićević Collection), catalogue text for exhibition of drawings by Vladimir Veličković, Art 55 Gallery (Niš).

(2012) “Ananda, ‘Krivak’ and the EU” catalogue text for exhibition of Dragan Radenović’s sculptures, O3on Gallery (Belgrade).

(2011) “Revelation of New Creation” catalogue text for exhibition of icons and religious art works by Biljana Jovanović, Vesna Crnobrnja, Višnja Devrnja, Despina Crnčević, Tamara Pajković and Ekaterina Kovinić, Gallery 27, Belgrade.

(2011) Catalogue text for exhibition of graphics by Branko Nikolov, Čedomir Krstić Gallery (Pirot).

(2011) Catalogue text for exhibition of contemporary Serbian iconography (Belgrade).

(2009) “Crossroads” catalogue text for exhibition of contemporary Serbian icons (Madrid).

(2009) Catalogue text for exhibition of installations and graphics by Branko Nikolov, Serbia Gallery (Niš).

(2007) “Sinteza stvaralaštva i tradicije” (A Synthesis of Creativity and Tradition), in: Danas Vikend, Saturday/Sunday, May 26-27 (Belgrade).

(2007) Introductory note to the exhibition catalogue of the artworks by the faculty members of the Department of Fine Arts in Niš, December (Niš).

(2005) Catalogue text for exhibition of artworks by INTEGRA, September, (Belgrade).

(2004) “Ljudsko telo: između individualnosti i ličnosti” (Human Body: between Individuality and Personhood), catalogue text for “Concept of Body. Virtual Body. Losing of Body.” exhibition by Flexible Art Network, VIP Gallery (SKC), November 24–28, (Belgrade).

(2004) Introductory note to the “Transformation of an Unknown City” project catalogue, organized by the Flexible Art Network, May 14–28 (Zrenjanin).

(2004) Catalogue text for “Exhibition of Religious Painting” organized by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese, Museum of Pedagogy, May (Belgrade).

(2023) “ Orthodoxy, Anarchism And AI: A Conversation With ChatGPT” Religion Unplugged (August 9),

(2023) “The Truth About ‘Western Values’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina” Fair Observer (July 27),

(2023) “Šta kad Vučić jednom ode” Vreme (June 16),

(2023) “What Is Christian about (Swedish) Christian Democrats?” Religion Unplugged (June 13),

(2023) “Orthodoxy and (Anarcho) Socialism: Post-Easter and Mayday Meditations” Public Orthodoxy (June 9),

(2023) “Pravoslavlje i (anarho) socijalizam” (May 9),

(2023) “Razumnost dvorskih luda: slučaj Zorana Milanovića” (February 16),

(2023) “Jovan D. Ziziulas (1931-2023.): teologija ličnos(nos)ti” (February 4),

(2023) “John Zizioulas (1932-2023): Theology and Personhood” The Wheel Journal (February 4),

(2023) “Opasno je ako nisi ,naš’ ili ,njihov’” (January 15),

(2022) “Nepristajanje na ucenu ,Fanar ili Moskva’” (November 29),

(2022) “Imperijalni ratovi i ,nesvrstano’ pravoslavlje” (November 4),

(2022) “Priključivanje NATOu je dobro – zato što mi tako kažemo” (September 29),

(2022) “Joining NATO is Good – Because We Say So” The Press Project (August 29),

(2022) “Democracy and human rights under threat in Scandinavia?” ABC (July 12),

(2022) “SAD izdaju naređenja, Evropa im se pokorava” (The US Gives Orders, Europe Obeys), Noam Chomsky and Davor Džalto, Autograf (June 6),

(2022) “‘Non-aligned’ Orthodoxy: Church Politics and the War in Ukraine” ABC (April 4),

(2021) “Suprotstavljanje strukturama moći” (Against Power Structures) Vreme 1617/18 (December 29), 52-53,

(2021) “Ekologija – između kapitalizma i demokratije” (Ecology – between Capitalism and Democracy) Vreme 1615 (December 16), 22-23,

(2021) “Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Complicated Puzzle” Fair Observer, December 14,

(2021) “Is Dissolution a Solution for Bosnia and Herzegovina?” Fair Observer, August 6,

(2021) “Novogodišnja distopija (2)”,

(2020) “Novogodišnja distopija (1)”,

(2020) “XX godina nade i razočarenja: u čemu greši srpska ,levica’ i ,desnica’ a u čemu su u pravu”,

(2020) “Državi (ne)treba demokratija, Crkvi (ne)treba teologija” Portal Novosti,

(2020) “Church and State: Belarus and Montenegro in Comparative Perspective” Berkeley Center for Peace, Religion and World Affairs,

(2020) “The West is Not Paying Attention to Shrinking Freedoms of Serbian Academia” Religion Unplugged, available at

(2020) “Društvo loše beskonačnosti” Portal Novosti, available at

(2020) “Church and State in Montenegro: between National(istic) and Imperial Policies,” Political Theology, available at

(2018) “Give Us This Day Our Daily Portion of Nationalism… Reflections on the Issue of the Autocephaly of the Church in Ukraine” Public Orthodoxy, available at

(2018) “How To Be the Right Kind of ‘Fundamentalist’?” Public Orthodoxy, available at

(2018) “How Much Is… Stupid? Neo-Liberal Academia and the Death of Education” in Dissident Voice (May 25), available at

(2018) “Our Neoliberal Orthodoxy” Public Orthodoxy, available at

(2017) “International Day of Peace 2017: Conflicts and Threats Beyond the Left and the Right,” Public Orthodoxy, available at

(2017) “When Did Beauty Become So F…n’ Ugly?” in: Esthesis (April 13),

(2016) “Anarchism and Orthodoxy at: Public Orthodoxy”,

(2016) “Anarhizam i pravoslavlje: (ne)očekivan savez” (Anarchism and Orthodoxy: An (Un)Expected Alliance) in: Politika LX/7 (Kultura, umetnost, nauka supplement), May 28, 3.

(2016) “Orthodoxy, Human Rights and Secularization” (with Effie Fokas, Brandon Gallaher, Perry Hamalis, Aristotle Papanikolaou, and Gregory Tucker), available at: Public Orthodoxy,

(2013) “Sekularni princip je u interesu Crkve” (The Secular Principle is in the Best Interest of the Church) in: Politika 35757, May 28, 14.

(2012) “Spektakl efemernog” (The Spectacle of the Ephemeral) in: Pravoslavlje 1088 (Belgrade: Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church), 24-26.

(2012) “Beogradska harfa”(The Belgrade Harp)in: Pravoslavlje 1081, 28-29.

(2012) “Kriza demokratije?” (The Crisis of Democracy?) in: Pravoslavlje 1080, 28-31.

(2012) “Quo Vadis Europa?” in: Pravoslavlje 1078, 32, 33.

(2012) “Savest našeg vremena – Noam Čomski” (The Consciousness of Our Time – Noam Chomsky) in: Pravoslavlje 1075-76, 26-27.

(2012) “We Don’t Need No Education

(2012) “Predizborni plakati – uništavanje estetike gradova” (Pre-Elections Posters – Wiping Out Cities’ Aesthetics)

(2011) “Deconstructing a Deconstruction

(2011) “Lice Mesije (I)” (The Face of the Messiah – I) in: Pravoslavlje 1062, 32-35.

(2011) “Lice Mesije (II)” (The Face of the Messiah – II) in: Pravoslavlje 1064, 20-23.

(2011) “Od tolerancije preko poštovanja do ljubavi” (From Tolerance and Respect to Love) in: Pravoslavlje 1059. 13.

(2011) “Mozaička radionica Centra Aleti” (The Mosaic-Workshop of the Centro Aletti) in: Pravoslavlje 1055, 24-25.

(2011) “Ljudsko telo: između individualnosti i ličnosti” (Human Body: Between Individuality and Personhood) in: Pravoslavlje 1053, 26-28.

(2011) “Est/Etika”(Aest/Ethics) in: Pravoslavlje 1051-52, 32-33.

(2010) “Koncept zatvorenih muzeja” (The Concept of Closed Museums)

(2010) “The End of Multiculturalism: Angela Merkel as Zeitgeist

(2010) “Gay parada, nasilje i odbrana tradicionalnih vrednosti” (Gay Parade, Violence and the Defense of the ‘Traditional Values’)

(2007) “Aktuelizacija ličnosti kroz umetnost” (Actualization of the Personhood through Art) in: Savindan 17 (Prijepolje), 2-3.

(2005) “O crkvenoj umetnosti” (On Church Art) in: Faith, Knowledge, Peace (Belgrade: Belgrade Open School), 259-262.

(2005) “Rezime virtuelne debate o veri u savremenoj umetnosti i kulturi” (Debating Faith in Contemporary Arts and Culture) in: Faith, Knowledge, Peace (Belgrade: Belgrade Open School), 412-422.

(2008) Lorens, Pol. Lajonov atlas biblijske istorije, Beograd: Mono-Manjana.
(Original edition: Lawrence, Paul. The Lion Atlas of Bible History, Oxford: Lion 2006).