1. (2013) “Sekularni princip je u interesu Crkve” (The Secular Principle is in the Best Interest of the Church) in: Politika 35757 (May 28), 14. 
  2. (2012) “Spektakl efemernog” (The Spectacle of the Ephemeral) in: Pravoslavlje 1088 (Belgrade: Patriarchate of the Serbian Orthodox Church), 24-26. 
  3. (2012) “Beogradska harfa”(The Belgrade Harp)in: Pravoslavlje 1081, 28-29. 
  4. (2012) “Kriza demokratije?” (The Crisis of Democracy?) in: Pravoslavlje 1080, 28-31.
  5. (2012) “Quo Vadis Europa?” in: Pravoslavlje 1078, 32, 33.
  6. (2012) “Savest našeg vremena – Noam Čomski” (The Consciousness of Our Time – Noam Chomsky) in: Pravoslavlje 1075-76, 26-27.
  7. (2012) “We Don’t Need No Education” available at: http://blog.b92.net/text/20493/We-Don’t-Need-No-Education
  8. (2012) “Predizborni plakati – uništavanje estetike gradova” (Pre-Elections Posters – Wiping Out Cities’ Aesthetics) available at: http://blog.b92.net/text/19946/Predizborni-plakati—unistavanje-estetike-gradova
  9. (2011) “Deconstructing a Deconstruction” A response to D. Solway’s article on Noam Chomsky
  10. (2011) “Lice Mesije (I)” (The Face of the Messiah – I) in: Pravoslavlje 1062, 32-35.
  11. (2011) “Lice Mesije (II)” (The Face of the Messiah – II) in: Pravoslavlje 1064, 20-23.
  12. (2011) “Od tolerancije i poštovanja do ljubavi” (From Tolerance and Respect to Love) in: Pravoslavlje 1059. 13.
  13. (2011) “The Mosaic Workshop of the Centro Aletti” (The Mosaic-Workshop of the Centro Aletti) in: Pravoslavlje 1055, 24-25.
  14. (2011) “Ljudsko telo: između individualnosti i ličnosti” (Human Body: Between Individuality and Personhood) in: Pravoslavlje 1053, 26-28.
  15. (2011) “Est/Etika”(Aest/Ethics) in: Pravoslavlje 1051-52, 32-33.
  16. (2010) “Koncept zatvorenih muzeja” (The Concept of Closed Museums) available at: http://blog.b92.net/text/16637/Koncept-zatvorenih-muzeja
  17. (2010) “The End of Multiculturalism: Angela Merkel as Zeitgeist” available at: http://blog.b92.net/text/16405/The-End-of-Multiculturalism%3A-Angela-Merkel-kao-Zeitgeist
  18. (2010) “Gay parada, nasilje i odbrana tradicionalnih vrednosti” (Gay Parade, Violence and the Defense of the ‘Traditional Values’) available at: http://blog.b92.net/text/16258/Gay-parada-nasilje-i-odbrana-tradicionalnih-vrednosti
  19. (2007) “Aktuelizacija ličnosti kroz umetnost” (Actualization of the Personhood through Art) in: Savindan 17 (Prijepolje), 2-3.
  20. (2005) “O crkvenoj umetnosti” (On Church Art) in: Faith, Knowledge, Peace (Belgrade: Belgrade Open School), 259-262.
  21. (2005) “Rezime virtuelne debate o veri u savremenoj umetnosti i kulturi” (Debating Faith in Contemporary Arts and Culture) in: Faith, Knowledge, Peace (Belgrade: Belgrade Open School), 412-422.